Reduce the impact your life has on the planet, saving money and optimizing the use of things? seem to be conflicting each other, right?

Instead, it’s exactly what happens with the devices that a small, but excellent English start-up with Italian traction, has put on the market in recent years.

we are talking about Microbees Technologies, a company that has made of the IOT (Internet of Things) his core.

Connecting any “device” of daily use to the web and to smartphone using an app, is the challenge of this company.

Program everything, and do not think anymore about it, or “manually” control from your smartphone any “action” made by your devices (blender, radiator, house door, hot water, curtains, shutters, bicycles, cars, etc), is the MISSION.

For instance, programming daily temperatures at home, depending on weather conditions, gotten in real time through the information available on internet, allows you to optimize consumption to heat or cool rooms and water in your home. You could argue that this is what also makes a trivial thermostat with an external data reading unit (temperature, humidity ‘wind speed, etc).

And this is precisely the innovation introduced by Microbees. In fact you could decide to come back later one evening, or not to come back; in which case the device, not registering your presence (for example through your smartphone), will not “condition” the rooms, and / or to operate (or not to operate) the devices that need (or not) to work when you are not supposed to be home.

In short, it is about CUSTOMIZING in the literal sense of the term everything that surrounds you, with the possibility to modify it from any part of the world, and read in real time the consumption and the savings in terms of energy and CO2 emitted into the atmosphere

Your home door opens automatically recognizing you, the appliances are connected to each other, and everything is programmed and controlled by an app installed on your smartphone.

The applications are endless, the stakeholders who have installed it inside are well aware of this industrial plants/commercial/residentialmanaging to achieve energy savings in the first two months, equal to the value of the plant.

Furthermore, the applications in security. Many drivers who really care their car have requested a personalized anti-theft device.

It is among, the only devices at this time in Europe, to be connected to google home.

Follow a video which show some of the infinite applications of Microbees devices.

Environmental sustainability is always advantageous.

What means, to be truly SMART.




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